
selfie, 35 mm, 2020

yoseyva is a multimedia artist whose focus is on experimental prose, abstracted assemblage paintings, book-binding, paper-making, digital and film photography, natural dyeing, sculpture, oil pastel, and ink-based illustrations. they are adaptive and ambitious in their work — always moving, flowing, and growing. this platform is a documentation of their work.

they have been selling their artwork since high school, where they would vend DIY events in Los Angeles selling one-of-a-kind handmade patches and collage pins. (email me if you ever bought one, or still have it! yoseyva@gmail.com)

in november 2017, their freshman year of college, they founded the zine bad egg, which put worked towards highlighting and uplifting the works of queer artists. they collected the work, self-published four zines, and hosted three DIY events through this collective.

they have also published two books exclusively featuring their own work. their first, not approved for medical use, is a collection of marker illustrations from 2018 – 2019. the second, do you suffer, is a collection of poetry also from 2018 – 2019. they are currently working on a new multi-media poetry book and an art book for their exhibition road to nowhere.

held their first solo multimedia art exhibition entitled, road to nowhere. this exhibition is an exploration of their first solo cross-country road trip which they embarked on august 2019. in april 2020, they developed a virtual installation of the exhibit which can be explored directly here. this exhibit was held physically from september – october 2020 at the C33 Gallery [33 ida b wells dr, chicago, il, 60605]. here is a walkthrough where yoseyva will guide you through the physical form of this exhibition and explain what it’s all about!

most recently, they opened, operated, and managed a retail studio exhibition space, Vortex Gallery Menagerie, in Sedona, AZ. here, they held paper-making classes and other events.